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- Histoire : Europe (à partir du dix-neuvième siècle)
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Forme de Jordan |
élémentaire |
(λ-1), (λ-1), |
(λ-1), (λ-1), |
(λ-1), (λ-1), |
Extraits du traité de Wedderburn de 1933.
[Wedderburn, 1933] :
Theorem 6. If λ1, λ2,...,λs are any constants, not necessarily all different and ν1, ν2,...,νs are positive integers whose sum is n, and if ai is the array of νi rows and columns given by
(10) |
where each coordinate on the main diagonal equals λi, those on the parallel on its right are 1, and the remaining ones are 0, and if a is the matrix of n rows and columns given by
a =
(11) |
composed of blocks of terms defined by (10) arranged so that the main diagonal of each lies on the main diagonal of a, the other coordinates being 0, then λ-a has the elementary divisors
If A is a matrix with the same elementary divisors as a, it follows from theorem 5, that there is a matrix P such that A = PaP-1 and hence, if we choose in place of the fundamental basis (e1, e2,..., en) the basis (Pe1, Pe2,..., Pen), [...] (11) gives the form of A relative to the new basis. This form is called the canonical form of A.
- Vade-mecum Clubs de mathématiques
- Brève 35 : Publimath | 50 ans des IREM
- Les algorithmes gloutons
- Brève 34 : L’intégrale de 1981 à nos jours : deux brochures pour témoigner des réformes | 50 ans des IREM
- Les laboratoires de mathématiques à l'international
- Brève 33 : Promotion d’une perspective historique en classe | 50 ans des IREM
- Brève 32 : Agrandir, réduire | 50 ans des IREM
- Brève 31 : La formation à distance des professeurs d’école | 50 ans des IREM
- Brève 30 : Deux réformes fondamentales de l’enseignement des mathématiques | 50 ans des IREM
- Brève 29 : Interdisciplinarité | 50 ans des IREM